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Employees offer anonymous feedback to Comparably about Juniper Systems

by | Oct 5, 2018 | Company happenings | 0 comments

Juniper Systems, Inc. is among the best small and mid-sized companies in the United States for compensation, work-life balance, and employee happiness, according to Comparably, a Santa Monica-based business research firm.

Comparably gave Juniper Systems awards for excellence in three distinct areas. The Comparably awards were the Best Compensation Award, Best Companies for Work-Life Balance Award, and Happiest Employees Award. Juniper Systems was among the top 25 small and mid-sized companies in the United States in each category.

Comparably tracks data from 45,000 U.S. companies and used more than 5 million ratings to compile its most recent data set. The firm used employer-submitted data and employee sentiment gathered from online surveys to rank companies.

Comparably asked for anonymous feedback from Juniper Systems’ employees about the company. Here is some of what they said:

What makes you the happiest at work?

  • “The best part about work is hearing about happy customers who love our products and customer service; they enjoy buying from us because they love our quality. It makes you feel good to know that you are contributing in a positive way.”
  • “Getting to chat and catch up with my co-workers throughout the day.”
  • “I love the environment at Juniper Systems. People are happy to be here, and you can feel it throughout the company. Many visitors comment about the positive atmosphere they encounter as they walk through and visit with the employees.”
  • “New challenges come our way quite often which provide growth opportunities. My contributions are highly valued by the company. Also, the company culture is uplifting and inspiring as evidence of everyone’s effort to align with our company maxims.”
  • “I enjoy those I work with. My work is challenging and interesting.”

What do you find the most positive about the culture and environment at Juniper Systems?

  • “We have an amazing culture here at Juniper. There are so many different personalities that just seem to mesh.”
  • “Culture is highly emphasized during the hiring process so we have a unique culture based on trust, love, and respect for our fellow work-mates and our customers. It is highly important to us that people enjoy their work so that they can maximize their engagement and productivity.”
  • “The company environment is excellent. Employees treat each other well and most know everyone in the company. We follow a work hard, play hard philosophy. Coworkers and managers are flexible and very accommodating to personal needs both inside and outside the workplace.”
  • “The culture here is more positive and optimistic than anywhere else that I’ve worked. There is very little drama, and most employees are helpful, encouraging, and eager to help out.”
  • “Everyone is kind. Work-life balance is really important here.”

What are a few of the best things about your team?

  • “From the first day, my team was incredibly invested in my satisfaction and sense of belonging. They celebrate wins and brush off losses. It’s a rewarding work environment.”
  • “Cohesive, happy, productive teams are the lifeblood of any company and Juniper Systems excels at this.”
  • “My team is always learning, always trying to do better. They are very communicative. I never feel like I don’t know what’s going on or expected of me.”
  • “We get along well. Everyone is accepting of our different backgrounds and personal perspectives. I feel no judgment from anyone.”
  • “I trust the people that I work with, and they trust me. They work to collaborate. When I’ve made mistakes, I don’t have to hide my mistakes; I can rely on my team to help find solutions.”

What is the best part about Juniper Systems’ compensation package?

  • “The Juniper Systems philosophy is to treat everyone as a member of the family. This includes fair pay, benefits that are wonderful, and opportunities to become stockholders in the company. This philosophy encourages us to be actively involved in helping the company succeed.”
  • “We have an amazing benefits package – the best I’ve ever had in my whole working life.”
  • Juniper focuses on performance so if the company does well they pass on better benefits, bonuses, and pension contributions to employees: paid time off, flexible work schedule, health care coverage with no monthly premiums, and opportunities to participate in sponsored humanitarian service trips.”

What do you like best about the leadership team?

  • “They are proficient communicators and they always have the objective of helping out in any way they can. They handle high-stress situations very well, and they are open with company information, keeping us up-to-date with what is going on.”
  • “Members of the leadership group promote a team environment at Juniper Systems. We celebrate successes together and encourage each other to succeed. It is a great work environment, and it starts with the leadership team setting a great example.”
  • “They are always asking for feedback and trying to find ways to improve the company. They listen to anyone, and the CEO’s door is always open to chat or bring up any concerns. I feel like I can go talk to anyone in the leadership team.”
  • “They trust in their employees and seek information from them in making decisions that set the course of the company.”
  • “They sincerely care about you as an individual.”

What did you like most about the interview process?

  • “It was low-stress yet comprehensive.”
  • “It felt very laid back. I was laughing with the interviewers and shocked that I was enjoying myself in an interview. They were very welcoming and never once tried to make me feel intimidated.”
  • “I like how they did several interviews to get to know you. The interview process was extremely organized and efficient.”

For more information about Juniper Systems 15 maxims, or values, visit here. If you’re interested in joining the team at Juniper Systems, see the available job listings here. Juniper Systems is an equal opportunity employer based out of Logan, Utah.



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