Get Rugged: the official blog of Juniper Systems

Get to Know DeVon Labrum, Juniper’s New CEO

by | Nov 6, 2015 | Company happenings | 0 comments

As you may have heard, Juniper Systems is now being captained by DeVon Labrum as CEO, who previously served as our VP of Sales & Marketing for the past several years. Now that he’s had a couple of months to start settling into the new role, we thought we’d feature a short interview with him to help you get to know him a little better.

All of us at Juniper Systems know DeVon as an optimistic and competitive, yet very friendly person. Keep reading to see what DeVon has to say about himself.

Q: What three words best describe you?

Competitive, friendly, and driven.

Q: What are your hobbies outside of work?

Spending time with my family in any capacity, dirt biking, and boating/waterskiing.

Q: How long have you been a part of Juniper Systems?

In January 2016, I will have been at Juniper Systems for 18 years.

Q: What positions have you held at Juniper?

  • Sales Account Manager with a focus on the yield monitoring products for potatoes, sugar beets, tomatoes, grapes, etc.
  • International and OEM Sales Manager
  • Director of Sales
  • Director of Sales & Marketing
  • VP of Sales & Marketing
  • President & CEO

Q: What is one of your favorite memories at Juniper?

I have many fond memories of my time spent here at Juniper Systems. I’ve found a lot of satisfaction over the years in the relationships I’ve made with my co-workers. There have been countless trips and fun experiences along the way, and I’ve been privileged to develop a good relationship and friendships with many of our customers around the world. It is rewarding to me to maintain those relationships and to work with such a wonderful group of partners and customers.

Q: What challenges does the role of CEO present to you?

We have an excellent executive management team here at Juniper Systems, and we have all worked together for a number of years. This alleviates much of the worry for me as I know that our team is actively and effectively doing the right thing every day to press forward in meeting our objectives as a group. So for me, the challenges that are on my mind are the following:

  1. Getting products developed and released to the market place on time and with the features that meet the needs of our customers.
  2. The ever-increasing speed of change in technology.
  3. Being able to keep pace with this change and to provide the right products to our customers when they need it.

Q: What aspects about Juniper’s future are you excited about?

I am extremely excited about our upcoming product, which we can’t say too much about yet. I really feel that this product is going to be a huge game-changer for our customers. I fully expect that we will be able to meet our existing customer needs and give them what they are looking for. In addition, I think the upcoming product will broaden existing markets for us, and open new areas and opportunities for us. This, with the release of additional new products and some upcoming solutions, will allow us to continue growing and to gain a foothold in new markets.

Q: How would you describe what Juniper is all about in two sentences or less?

To me, Juniper Systems has always been about building quality product and taking care of the customer. Along the way, Juniper is all about treating those around us with respect, building a future for our shareholders and employees, and being an asset to our community at large.

You can learn more about Juniper Systems’ high-quality rugged handheld computers here.

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