Get Rugged: the official blog of Juniper Systems

How to Apply a Screen Protector to a Rugged Handheld

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Helpful information, Rugged handhelds | 0 comments

Have you ever tried to apply a screen protector—whether on your rugged handheld computer, your phone, or another device—and you ended up with a scattering of those little annoying bubbles all over the screen? Uggghh… so annoying, right? And when you’ve got a piece of equipment as nice as a Juniper rugged handheld, it’s almost insulting to think of marring that flawlessly smooth screen with bubble blemishes. So today, I’m including a video on how to apply a screen protector—the right way! The way that will minimize bubbles and leave you feeling proud of the way your rugged handheld looks, and not feeling like you’re five years old again, holding up that raggedy cross-eyed yarn puppet that you made and saying, “Look Ma, look what I made!”

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