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Success with Uinta: Button Underground Locating, LLC

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Customer stories, Mesa 3 Rugged Tablet, Uinta, Utilities & public services | 0 comments

Button Underground Locating, based in Cambridge, VT, offers clients underground utility locating services. Button mostly works with private landowners who have private utilities on their properties. Button’s president, Tyler Button, recently chatted about his company’s experience using Juniper Systems’ Uinta™ Mapping and Data Collection software to provide clients with detailed maps of their utility networks. 

Tyler Button using the Mesa rugged tablet and Uinta mapping software for underground utility locating.

“Most underground utilities at resorts, mobile home parks, and campgrounds are privately owned,” Button said. “[The company], Dig Safe, will not come out to mark. That’s where we come in.” 

Button offers a wide range of locating services that cover all common underground utilities including sewer, water, power, storage tanks, communication lines, and much more. Often a client’s piece of land can look confusing with different color paints and flags. But Uinta helps take that data, organize it, and interpret it in one easy-to-use utility mapping software. 

“It’s just nice to have everything [Juniper’s Mesa and Uinta] all bundled in one package,” Button said. “Everything [is] right on there, you don’t have any control issues that are proprietary and stuff. For my needs, it’s like a Swiss Army Knife.” 

When it came to finding the right software service for private utility mapping, Button found many of them to be clunky, one of which was only capable of recording notes on a project. 

“I had to send emails out and run it up three flagpoles just to get a simple change,” Button said. 

Then Button stumbled upon Uinta, which had all the features he needed, including customizable templates and forms for niche projects, data capture, mapping points and areas for accuracy, and shareable features for exporting data. This level of high customization made Button’s record-keeping decision easy. 

Tyler Button performing underground utility locating while in the field.

While using Uinta, Button was able to achieve a large project of mapping a 60–70-unit mobile park with ground penetrating radar. The park had new buyers looking to expand the development, but they encountered a roadblock when they found water leaks. To help, Button focused on water line marking, which then evolved into mapping sewer and electric for all underground utility mapping needs. Now the mobile development has a map of everything so they can pinpoint any issues that may arise. 

“Large private customers will actually review our maps prior to any future excavation activity,” Button said. “If they determine the area of excavation is near any mapped utilities, they call us out to mark them in the field. Just knowing where their buried utilities are is half the battle when it comes to that stuff. In the past many of these private customers would have an emergency water leak or sewer line repair and basically just start digging and pray they don’t hit any electric, communication lines, etc., because they had no idea how anything was installed 30,40, or 50 years ago. 

Uinta’s one-stop shop for data and mapping needs makes jobs like Button’s straightforward. And his experience with the customer support team has also been helpful, reporting that none of his issues have ever been unresolved. 

“The support team is 100% amazing!” Button said. “[They are] always very responsive. They bend over backward to resolve any issues. You can tell the entire Juniper team really are passionate about their products and that goes a long way for me.” 

Our customer support team is available for troubleshooting, project template creation, and general Uinta training and is dedicated to finding the best outcome for you and your business. You can contact customer support at 435-753-1881. 

See how Uinta can revolutionize your utility mapping needs. To learn more about Uinta, please visit our website or contact our team



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