Get Rugged: the official blog of Juniper Systems

Wisconsin Eagle Scout utilizes Uinta™ total solution to restore and preserve local park

by | Apr 12, 2022 | Customer service, Customer stories, Data collection software, Geode Sub-meter GPS Receiver, Mesa 3 Rugged Tablet, Natural resources, Uinta | 0 comments

AJ Leuzinger has spent nearly 200 hours on his Eagle Scout project, helping to restore the oak savanna in Stewart Park, Duane County, WI. He has spent about 40% of those hours using the Mesa® Rugged Tablet, Geode™ Sub-meter GPS Receiver, and Uinta™ Data Collection and Mapping Software to catalog oak trees and tag their GPS location.

Stewart Park, Wisconsin’s oldest county park, is a beautiful spot, great for hiking, canoeing, birdwatching, and fishing. However, the savanna is slowly being taken over by the invasive buckthorn species, which will turn the savanna into a woodland. This change would negatively impact the biodiversity of Stewart Park and put the endangered Red Woodpecker at an even greater risk.

Along with removing buckthorn from the park, AJ spent time cataloging and mapping all the oak and shagbark hickory trees to establish a baseline for future observations. There is a direct correlation between the number of oaks in the park and how well the savanna and its inhabitants are thriving. Surveying Stewart Park with Juniper System’s complete solution allows others to understand the current density of the park and monitor its health in the future.

A solution for everyone

When looking for a device for his Eagle Scout project, AJ knew he needed devices and software that was lightweight, had GPS capabilities, and could be customized to catalog trees by species and age. The Mesa was built with the user in mind, making our ergonomic, fatigue-free design perfect for those who spend days in the field walking and hiking through terrain with their devices. According to AJ, he found the Mesa easy to use and the perfect size. However, what impressed AJ was the Mesa’s capabilities when paired with the Geode and our Unita software.

Using the Geode to record the GPS location of each tree was essential to AJ’s project because it allowed him to create a map of all the trees in Stewart Park. The map was then uploaded to Google Earth and can be used by Friends of Stewart Park and Dane County Parks staff to further savanna restoration efforts after AJ’s project is over. Geode helps land surveyors create highly accurate maps and data points that allow for more precise and effective land maintenance and restoration efforts. Along with the Mesa, the Geode is also a rugged device equipped to handle various environments and temperatures.

Our Unita software allows these devices to communicate with each other in a way that records and stores your data the most efficiently. Uinta is a cost-efficient GIS mapping software with customizable project templates and shareable reports with an intuitive user interface. The three of these products combine into our total solution package; this keeps things simple by allowing users to buy and receive support from the same place for all their hardware and software needs. 

Support that makes a difference

AJ had found that Juniper Systems had solutions that met all of his needs, but our customer service sealed the deal. After spending time with our Sales Account Manager Phillip Biggs, AJ knew that the support and care he was receiving made Juniper the right choice.

“Honestly, if it weren’t for the time Phillip donated to the project, I don’t think it would have been as successful as it was,” Leuzinger said. “Phillip didn’t have to take the time to get to know me and my project or help in the way he did, and I will never forget his dedication to this project. He took the time to make sure I had the best device needed.”

Providing excellent support to our customers is one of the core values at Juniper Systems, but it’s not our only one. At Juniper Systems, we have 15 maxims that guide every decision we make, from how we run our company to what types of products we build and how we build them. One of our maxims states,

“We provide products and use manufacturing practices that help conserve natural resources and preserve the environment.”

AJ’s Eagle Scout project has and will continue to positively impact his local environment and its wildlife. It’s important to us to understand the needs of natural resource professionals. We know it’s important to have a rugged and lightweight device without compromising on accuracy. We are proud to be able to provide products like the Mesa and Geode that AJ and forestry professionals can use to help preserve and restore the environment.

We are grateful for the opportunity to help AJ and be part of his Eagle Scout project. If you want to learn more about how Juniper Systems can help you, call us today.



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