Post Tagged with: "software"

Customer service, Helpful information, Operating systems

Windows Mobile Device Center not working? Mobile Connect app is the file transfer fix

Mobile Connect is a permanent solution for Windows Mobile users who still have work to do and whose devices still have data to send. The software allows USB file transfers from a Windows Mobile device to a Windows 10 PC without Windows Mobile Device Center.

October 8, 2018 ×

Allegro 2 Rugged Handheld, Customer stories, Utilities & public services

On the industry: For utilities, water meters might soon read themselves

In Anne Arundel County, Maryland, the Bureau of Utilities sends technicians in crew cab trucks to coast the streets. Their job is to read hundreds of culinary water meters each day. The work of reading water meters, though, has gotten a lot easier. It sounds a bit like a Geiger […]

August 28, 2018 ×