Business partnerships are essential in helping move the rugged handheld, data collection, and GIS solutions industries forward. Together Juniper Systems and Frontier Precision offer customers across various industries the tools and support they need to complete their...
Juniper’s Geode Sub-meter GPS Receiver helps Sonoma Ecology Center collect data, map, and serve the community
Alex Young, of the Sonoma Ecology Center, with his Geode and Android tablet. Preserving natural resources and being a good neighbor For Alex Young, GIS manager at the Sonoma Ecology Center in Eldridge, California, accurate mapping and data collection is the key to...
Why landfill experts use the Envision Gas Analyzer and Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet for gas monitoring
The Envision Gas Analyzer System combines an industry-leading landfill gas analyzer with the Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet for a winning solution.
It’s here: An affordable rugged smartphone and sub-meter GPS solution
A simple portable tray from Juniper Systems turns its Cedar CP3 Rugged Smartphone and Geode Sub-meter GPS Receiver into an affordable easy-to-carry field solution – just add your favorite apps.
Why this athletic performance coordinator and sports scientist uses the Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet
The Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet helped change how this performance coordinator gathered data on dozens of athletes.

Inside the Archer 3 Rugged Handheld
The Archer 3 features a faster processor, upgraded memory capacity, 4G LTE capability, and the Android 7 operating system.

Juniper Systems releases Archer 3 Rugged Handheld
The next-generation Archer 3 Rugged Handheld runs Android and it is available for purchase, Juniper Systems announced today.

What is GPS Week Rollover?
As it does every 19.7 years, GPS is going to reset its clock during GPS Week Rollover.

Want good snow? Seek good data.
Snowmaking and enhanced snow-depth data are showing resorts across the map that a bad snow season does not have to mean an unprofitable snow season.

Remembering John Thatcher
John Thatcher, a soft-spoken career employ at Juniper Systems who prided himself in helping others and delighted in the birds in the air and the bugs on the ground, passed away in February. He was 66.